Andrew Knox wants to put you in control

Andrew Knox wants to put you in control

In the run-up to today’s launch, we’ve gotten a ton of love from the local music scene. I’ve learned about a lot of local acts I didn’t even know existed.

Because of this, I’ve decided to feature a music and audio innovator as our first startup interview here on Crusher Deluxe, a local pioneer who's on a mission to redefine the way we experience music. Meet Andrew Knox.

Andrew is based in Pittsburgh. has been passionate about music and singing since his childhood. With a career spanning over 20 years, he is the founder of ReMasterMedia, a local company that has automated audio mastering, and offered affordable packages including a pay-as-you-go option, enabling anyone to get professional sound quality on a track, which you can try out for as little as $2.50.

Next up, Andrew is working to revolutionize the listening experience. He’s getting ready to formally announce a deal to incorporate ReMasterMedia tech into a new line of wearables, giving music lovers a level of control they’ve never had before.

The new line is called “Signature”, headphones designed to beat the big brands in audio quality, challenging the status quo and offering customized experiences tailored to users' preferences.

We have integrated our audio technology into amazing headphones that will be launching in a few months called Signature. Super excited to take down the big dogs that think THEY know how WE want to hear audio. Cheers to Audio Freedom with your Signature Headphones.

— Andrew Knox, ReMasterMedia

When asked about the challenges of taking a concept from vision to reality, Knox cautions that “Ideas are easy... funding those ideas are hard.” But still loves the work because his art-enabling work is “changing people’s lives”.

Being honest, even though he says that nothing he shared is a secret, I don’t want to tell you the best sales argument about Signature Headphones just yet. They’re not yet available. I don’t want to give anyone a head start on countering his message before he goes to market. Suffice to say, a lot of people are going to enjoy having ReMasterMedia level control over how they interact with audio.

Andrew is always open to connecting with customers, bands, brands, and anyone who has a good collab in mind. He can be reached at andrew [at] remastermedia [dot] com if you have thoughts or ideas.

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