Latest Additions to our Playlist

Latest Additions to our Playlist

You probably wish there was a more scientific process for this, but there isn’t — I encounter a local act, either on my own or through our submit page, and I choose a song from their catalog that seems like it’s going to fit one of our upcoming social posts.

The song then gets added to our Spotify and Apple Music playlists, and we use it on Instagram. It’s not sophisticated, but it works.

In the last week, we’ve added Devil Behind my Door by Anne Eliza, Disassembly from Feralcat and the Wild, Sound Between the Silence by Good Brother Earl, My Friend from 9Fifty Seven, Freak by feeble little horse, Astrology Now’s Lately, A Time of Quiet Between the Storms by Evan Handyside, Well Then by Garage League, Bound by Eyewash, and Novocaine from Rebel Revolver.

Send me more stuff if you’ve got it — and that goes for general news / updates / whatever going on with your project too.

ifep: music madness

ifep: music madness

Art you should know: Teal Fitzpatrick

Art you should know: Teal Fitzpatrick